
seven months with max.

this is what JOY looks like in our house. month seven has brought more joy than ever before. our little one seems to grow and learn something new every single day, and we just feel lucky to witness the amazing-ness that is MAX! (and notice those TWO teeth :o)).
if there was ever any doubt, this month has proven that max is all boy! he doesn't stop moving for a second. it's a little sad for this mama because he doesn't want to be held for too long. mr. independent wants to be down on the floor getting into anything he's not supposed to have. his favorites of late are cords, shoes, electronics, and anything highly dangerous tops the list as his ultimate fave.
since we're a month behind on shots, max had his six month appointment last week. he weighed in at 16 pounds 2 ounces which is the 30th percentile. a friend said over the weekend, 'i see why he's so thin- he's so active!' i guess we never thought of it that way, but it's probably so true! he is 26.5 inches tall which is the 50th percentile (perfect!). he took all three shots like a champ, a few short cries and he was back to himself. our doc seems to always be so impressed with max (naturally ;o)), and was surprised when he clapped on cue (and so were we... can you say 'total fluke')! he also said he is healthy, healthy!! music to our ears :o).
max's surprise face was one of the best things that made its debut this month. it comes along with a grunting/ oohing sound :o).
so excited to see that bunny again this month ;o).
this boy is mr. personality! everywhere we go people comment on how cute and smiley he is :o).
he is mostly smiles, but this is the cutest grump face ever! this month has brought on the beginning of fit throwing... say what??!! this is uncharted territory for us, but it's been a good opportunity to talk about how we want to handle discipline with the little man.
thank goodness those fits are fleeting and short lived...for now.
as of lately, this boy can eat!! he's been chowing down on any and all solids we give him- except squash- he still cries at the taste of it :o(. a few recent favorites are peaches and butternut squash. if he continues to want to eat like a horse, baby food making will officially take up all of my down time ;o). most days he's sleeping from about 7:00- 7:00 (thank you max!), with two two hour naps during the day. that makes for one happy family!!
to see the world through these baby eyes is so incredible. month seven was so much fun, can't wait to see what the eighth month brings. love this baby boy more than ever!!

1 comment:

Dani said...

ahhhh! this boy is so precious it makes my heart hurt!  love him!

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