
nine months with max.

where to start on month nine. it has been BIG.
our guy's little extra large personality is oozing out. maybe those two top teeth that came in this month brought that extra flair ;o). side note about those top two, we didn't even know when he was cutting them. one day we happened to catch a glimpse up there and both teeth had already broken through! thank you max for being so tough that we didn't even know you were cutting teeth!!

standing is one of the major changes in month nine. standing everywhere. standing in the crib during nap, standing at the coffee table, the fireplace, the tupperware cabinet. EVERYWHERE. never sitting still for more than a second. 
and look at all that hair coming in! we're just waiting for it to start filling in in the front, thus getting rid of his receding hairline ;o).
he would be thrilled if he could figure out how to get from this position to a standing one. 
the beginning of this month brought lots of tears and frustration as max learned to stand, but couldn't figure out how to get back down. this last week he finally figured out how to bend his legs and get down on his own- yay!!
one of my personal favorites from this month, peek-a-boo! max thinks it's so fun to put anything over his face, then do a reveal of a huge smile. heart officially melted :o).
the worst part about this month- a sick baby. if you know max, you know what's happening in this pic does not happen- ever. max had a fever, but after talking to the nurse and hearing that it was probably just a virus, we soaked up our snuggly baby. cuddles are so few and far between with our baby love, that we secretly loved those three days of down time with him.

we got to do lots of celebrating this month! max came out of his sickness just in time to celebrate gramps' birthday. happy birthday dad- we all love you and were so happy to get to celebrate you in person this year!!

more celebrating for brand new baby cousin, sylas dean!! max is still learning how to be gentle, so mom is helping :o).

imagine max's hand out in waitress position... this is what he does when we're holding him. he points that little waitress hand to wherever he would like to go, and whatever he wants to see :o).

and a big thank you to great aunt lenore for this awesome new walker! it plays music whenever it moves, so he has been bookin' it and jammin' out ever since he got it!

i don't want to give anyone the wrong idea... it's not all cuddles and smiles in the turri house. this is me and max having a stand off about eating veggies. since being off purees, he's since decided that he will have no part in veggie eating. he is a carb and fruit-a-holic. thank god for some advice from one of our dearest- this parenting thing can be tricky without some good friends to help lead the way.

although not one for veggies, max is more than happy to eat anything of the non-food variety. he did this little number in his carseat.

can you sense some mischief running through that mind of his?

most days the sweetness wins over the mischief :o). happy nine month birthday to our maximilian, we love you more than words can say.

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