
green family christmas.

a few days after christmas we headed down to alamogordo for our second round of family lovin'. everyone except one cousin was able to make it down for a mini-family reunion and holiday celebration!
max was especially excited to meet some new cousins, and always excited to see gg and grandad!
the last time we were all together was three christmases ago. then there was only one two week old baby. now there are seven babies three and under!! max is smack dab in the middle of the seven :o).
max getting a close up at the newest addition, sylas! sylas' little face looks like he's preparing for a poke. he must've been able to see that look in max's eyes ;o).

ry loved letting max get into the toy box, they are the same toys he remembers loving as a little boy. so many special memories fill ry's grandparent's house!
the table filled with all of our homemade cookies and decorated boxes to hold them. this was such a fun idea, ryan's grandparents invited friends and family over to vote on their favorite cookie, best presentation, and best box. it was a real shocker who won the best overall prize... can you spot ry's box in the far right corner? one of my favorite things about ry is that he never does anything half way. i hope max will inherit that trait from him because it would be much better than my usual 'do what works' mantra ;o).
max, always interested in what's going on. especially when there's another baby in mama's arms ;o). sweet baby grayson!
we were so excited to head to white sands to play!! max and i got to experience our first visit together, and it was so fun!!
well i guess ry and i were having a little more fun than max was :o(. long overdue for a nap, sliding down a big hill was pretty low on his list of things that are "fun."
at least we got a few giggles out of him before grandmom wrangled him down for a nap.
ok, seriously. that's enough ;o).
max slept through most of the playtime, but woke up and promptly got back to his curious ways.
two of the big boys re-hydrating. that climbing sand dunes can really take it outta you. i personally think i better train a little more before we head back :o/.
love my guy, and love that i got to inherit his family. we had so much fun and were sad to see our first holiday season as a family of three come to a close. so, so thankful for all the time we got to spend with our loved ones over the last few weeks. my heart is so full.

1 comment:

Shane & Nikki said...

I looooved every single picture. So fun and heartwarming ❤♨.

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