
eleven months... aahhhh!!

our sweet boy makes life fly by at a rapid pace. we are officially closer to one than eleven months! flying by or not, we are soaking up every second we get with our sweet one!!
 month eleven- the month of more. more drooling and biting, waiting on those elusive teeth that are threatening to break through. white gums, but no sign of those suckers yet.
more standing. everywhere, whenever he can. he has gotten brave only a few times, and stood on his own. he'll be standing there by himself, we start cheering, he realizes what he's doing, and promptly sits on that toosh. he's also taken a few steps on his own without even realizing he's done it. i guess we may have to just trick him in to walking ;o).
he loves to walk with us whenever he gets the chance. some days he feels confident and walks holding on with only one hand, this day, not so much. love that little baby bod of his :o).
his baby bod is just about growing out of his 12 month onesies, they're short on the arms and are starting to ride up. his 12 month pants will be around for a while though, he's longer in the torso, shorter in the leg department ;o).
the belly pat is one of his new faves. he likes to throw it in when he's excited, and especially when he's dancing. he's constantly mixing in some new dance moves to add to his repertoire ;o).
this month has brought a lot more focus for our little one. he's no longer looking at one thing, chucking it behind him, and moving on... in a matter of seconds. he'll actually sit down and do one thing for a little stretch of time. he's really taking more of an interest in really investigating and checking things out. and now he sits and turns the pages of his books, and doesn't just eat them- yay!!
lots more talking this month! he says mama and dada, and associates both. i think he still associates mama with 'give me more food', but who knows, maybe he's saying 'more'? haha. a handful of times he has spotted me from a distance, and said mama! my ears have never heard a sweeter sound :o).  balloon was also one of his favorite words this month, he went crazy for the valentine's balloons every time we were at the grocery store!
we're convinced max was born with musical bones in his body. anything music he loves, but the drums are always his fall-back. it's so exciting to imagine what kind of amazing little talented person he will grow in to!!
this month- more messes!! he loves to throw out all the cup towels, then roll around on them! folding towels for ten minutes afterwards is worth the fun... most days. if we tell him no, he'll move on to something else. smart baby boy :o).
this month we have really noticed how much of what we say max is really taking in. i recently told him that big boys only have binkys in their cribs, so he tossed it in the crib. now whenever we get him out of his bed, he tosses that binky in :o). his little spongy mind is pretty amazing :o).
and more of our little nature lover. we have been soaking in every ounce of warm sunshine we can, and all three of us have been loving it!
our sweet baby finally learned how to navigate that one step in the far background of this pic! after showing him a few times, he can now turn that little body around, and push his legs back until they reach the floor beneath. that's a sigh of relief for us!!
oh how this face makes our world go 'round. he has become our favorite companion, and life before him seems almost unimaginable. thank you god for the sweet gift of maximilian james!!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Wow! He is a doll. He looks so much like you in the last picture. 11 months! CRAZY!!

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